Get word of mouth referrals to grow your business

Acquiring new customers is difficult, but having others herald your business makes it easier! Refer and be referred, it’s that simple.

Like a business networking group... but better!

Don't Waste your time

Grow your business through word of mouth referrals without ever having to attend weekly meetings! Time = Money

Traditional In Person Group Expense

$75/hour - Average business owner makes

1.5 hours - Average networking meeting length

$25/meeting - Average cost per meeting

52 weeks per year


$7,150 Total Cost Per Year

Businesses You Can Trust

You don't need to meet weekly to trust the members in your group because each business is... Verified, Local, and Accountable.


All applicants are highly vetted and interviewed before being accepted on the platform.


Connect over coffee (if you'd like) without having to commit to a weekly meeting filled with small talk and rotating lectures.


Every person you refer has the ability to report a negative experience to prevent bad business.

Getting Started is Easy

1. Apply & Get Verified

We unapologetically vett every company before granting access to Herald, because trust is the key ingredient for word of mouth referrals to actually work.

2. Join A Group

Join other service-based businesses in your area.

You can also start your own group or onboard your current group (with a min. of 10 businesses).

3. Refer & Be Referred

Each business gives 2-5 word of mouth referrals each month (depending on the size of the group).



of consumers trust word-of-mouth referrals more than all other advertising.

of consumers trust word-of-mouth referrals more than all other advertising.

How does it work?

Generate Referrals

Our largest group can generate upwards of 175 referrals each month! The more businesses in your group the better.

Track Referrals

Herald tracks each referral so you always know your stats and know that everyone in your group is contributing equally.

Close Referrals

You are notified when you get a referral so you can follow up with your future customer and close the deal.

The more you connect with your group, the more they herald your business.

Refer and be referred. It’s really that simple.

Boost Your Online Presence

Your public profile will help future customers find and trust your business!

  • Increase your visibility online and attract new customers

  • Highlight your business with NO Ads highlighting your competitors

  • Your business reviews all in one place

  • Introduce your business with a personal video message

  • Showcase what your business does and how well you do it

*Business reviews/ratings above are for demonstrative purposes only.

Ready To Try Herald?

Frequently Asked Questions

How many word of mouth referrals do I have to give each month?

The monthly referral quota is determined by how many businesses are in your group.

Example: If you have 10 businesses in your group, your referral quota each month is 2 word of mouth referrals.

Example: If you have 30 businesses in your group, your referral quota each month is 5 word of mouth referrals.

Word of mouth referrals are easy because everyone in your group provides a service we all need and use everyday.

How can I get more word of mouth referrals each month?

Take the time to get to know your group members. The more you know the businesses in your group the easier it will be for you to give them referrals and vise-versa. We don’t force connection, but we certainly encourage it.

What if I don’t meet my referral quota for the month?

If you fail to hit your referral quota for the month it will count as a strike. Like baseball, three strikes within 12 months and you’re out meaning your account is suspended and placed under review. Every 12 months, your account can be reinstated.

What keeps businesses in the same group from competing for referrals?

Each group is category protected which means there are no two businesses alike. You and your business are unique so no one else in your group provides the same service(s).

Why is there no option to pay month to month?

We are upfront about the onboarding process and know it is not likely for referrals are not likely going to start pouring into your business as soon you sign up. The same is true for in person business networking groups. 

It takes a little bit of time to get acclimated and connected with your group. We feel it is in your best interest to commit to a minimum of three months upfront but hope you will stay around longer to maximize Herald’s impact on your business.

How can I trust the businesses in my group if I do not know them personally?

Herald is not an open platform. Every business must be accepted after completing our verification process. We look at a variety of factors including proper business licenses, necessary insurances, business reviews from all the major platforms (FB, Google, Yelp, BBB), and more. The final step is a real interview with the business owner to set expectations and community guidelines onboard the new business.

What if I refer a business in my group and they do bad job or never show up?

Each word of mouth referral is tracked and every customer has the ability to report a bad experience with the business. One too many bad reports, may lead to a suspended or terminated account.

Can I start my own group in Herald?

Yes you can! Custom groups need a minimum of 10 businesses. Herald will verify each business and then help your group track referrals and ensure everyone is equally contributing. 

As more businesses in your area join Herald, they will be verified and added to your group. The more businesses you have, the more referrals generated each month (up to 35 businesses per group)!

Why do the groups have a max capacity of 35 businesses?

With an online platform, it can be hard to know and therefore refer more than 35 businesses. Having a group size limit helps provide the best experience to all members while still generating upwards of 175 word of mouth referrals each month!

Can I join Herald if I am already a member of a business networking group?

The short answer is yes, tech but we answer this question with caution. Herald is a commitment and trying to prioritize two groups can get tricky. One of the following options might be a better idea for you.

1. With a minimum of 10 business, Herald can host you and your current group. This gives you all the benefits of Herald plus Herald can help your group grow by adding new businesses to your group (max 35 businesses). Each business in your group can also take advantage of Herald’s public profile feature to boost their visibility online.

2. Not to be harsh, but another option could be leaving your current group all together. Herald is all about saving you time and growing your business. If your group doesn’t do this for you, it might be time to reinvest your time into something that will!

Get Started Now


Application Fee: $1

Herald is not an open platform. Every business must apply and be verified before acceptance.

To ensure you’re legit, Herald starts with a $1 application fee.

BETA Group: Join Now!

NOrmal Price: $99.99/monthly

Beta Members - 50% Discount

Only $49.99/Month*

Exclusive BETA Benefits:

  • Locked in pricing for life

  • Increase your local visibility via Herald's public profile

  • 30 second marketing video for your social media

  • 800 word company writeup for your website and ours

  • Plus, all premium features of Herald

*billed annually

© 2023 Herald